Just because it’s no longer the weather for tiny tops and the carefree attitude of leaving the house without a jumper (lets be real though, how often was it the weather for that this summer?), it doesn’t mean that having a neckline adorned with all your favourite necklaces has to come to an end too.
Even when you need to be rugged up warm, having stacks of layered necklaces is still possible. In fact, once the nip in the air starts to settle in, it’s our number one way to elevate our favourite chunky knit. We’re here to show you how.
Pick out your favourite, cosiest outfit.
Dressing for the elements is key, but choosing a top or jumper which is mostly one colour and has higher neckline, can give a cleaner look to your layers.
Mix & Match with different chain lengths.
Different chain lengths is ultimately what creates the layered look, but don’t be afraid to have some the same. If they are different textures or types of necklace, it can add a different dimension to the look.
Mixing chains with pendants.
Both types of necklace sit differently across the neckline, which draws more attention to them. So, this is the perfect way to elevate your comfiest matching tracksuit. Who’s going to be looking at your outfit when your necklaces are stealing the show?
Choose your layered look.
Keep it simple, 2 to 4 chains of similar styles, helps you to achieve that effortlessly cool and elegant look.
Or, wear them all! Who’s going to stop you?!
So there you go. Proof that necklace layering doesn’t have to be restricted to the few days of a British summer where it’s warm enough to wear tiny tops.